Pressure Reducing Valve (200X)
Adjust and control the outlet pressure of the master valve. The said pressure will not be changed along with the change with the inlet pressure, neither along with the change of the flow on the master valve outlet. Applicable for the living water supply, fire fighting system and industrial water supply system.
With the full-channel streamline design, this valve holds a small fluid resistance and a great flow and can reduce either dynamic or static pressure.
He medium, when enters the lower cavity of the body, pushes the disc upward and, at the same time, the medium enters the upper cavity of the diaphragm via the control pipe outside of the master valve. The upper cavity pressure is adjusted by the pilot valve.
The pressure difference between the upper and lower cavities decides the up—and—down movement of the disc so as to change the outlet pressure. When the pressures of both cavities are identical, the disc stops at a some position and the outlet pressure is kept unchanged, acting at stabilizing the pressure.
Executive standard
- Size of flange: GBT 17241.6.
- Test and inspection. GB/T 13927.
Typical Diagram of Installation
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